This stage is full of ups and downs through valleys and forests covered by Asturias rivers, crossing small villages.
The little medieval town Pola de Allande is one of the unique Asturian places where they speak a dialect called Eonaviego.
I stayed in Hotel Nuevo Allandesa, their restaurant also serves Pilgrims meal, which is traditional for this region four (!) course meal to die for. Cost 15€ and definitely made to share with other pilgrims🤪😋
It’s unfair to expect people who live their life faithful to accommodate all your needs. You came to their country and you should do anything to feel comfortable there, including learning a foreign language. I’m very sorry I didn’t learn Spanish and thought that everyone in Europe speaks English… that was my experience from previous visits to France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Greece… but previously I just visited big cities and tourists areas. Here, in the middle of rural Spanish mountains no one speaks English and I feel frustrated. I thought there will be people from all around the world. Well yes, I did meet Michael from US, Dominic from Check republic, a guy from Australia… that’s about it. There are lots of pilgrims but most of them are from Spain. Maybe Camino Primitivo is an unique inclusive experience… most foreign pilgrims chose Camino Frances…
I’m still enjoying this peaceful way and hopefully will meet more people in Galicia. Asturias - beautiful region, but rural and remote. However it’s few small towns live their life and people have fun there!
P/s. I was just curious in how many languages I can say “good morning“:
Russian “dobroye utro”
Ukrainian “dobrogo ranku”
Spanish “buenos dias”
German “guten morgen”
French “bonjour”
Italian “buno jiorno”
Japanese “kominichiwa”
Chinese “ni hao”
Georgian “gamarjoba”
Greece “kalimera”
That’s all if I remember correctly without using translation 🙃😉